Concert on the Slopes featuring TOO MUCH SYLVIA
August 5 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

TOO MUCH SYLVIA has the ability and desire to please and play something that everyone will enjoy. Their onstage antics and personalities will touch all. By NOT working from a “setlist”, 2MS has the ability to pace the song selection and provoke audience interaction to reach a peak at the right moment. Their 2018 Cammy Award-winning CD, “THROW ME A ROPE” and 2014’s “2MS”, continues to generate more fans through radio and internet airplay with the success of EIGHT #1 Songs including FOUR “CBMA Songs of the Year” since 2014. Their vocal blend and harmonies are a major part of the 2MS sound. Combine all the above, with their tight and tasteful musical arrangements and it’s a presentation that is always appealing to dancers and listeners at a comfortable sound level for everyone, so grab your dancing shoes and let’s have a party!
Held on the Sapphire Valley Ski Slopes, behind the Sapphire Valley Community Center. Bring a chair or blanket. 3 Miles East of Cashiers on Hwy. 64
$22.00 pre-show day $27.00 day of show 828.743.7663 SapphireValleyResorts.com